Features & Benefits
- The lid helps invariably keeps food fresher longer than using plastic film wrap.
- The lid will act as a seal and ensure a fresher outcome.
- Flexsil-lid can be used in any freezers to -40C (-40F) degrees & will not become dry and brittle!
- Flexsil-lid can be used in ovens to 220C (428F) degrees for up to 2 hours.
- It can also be used in a standard microwaves for up to 10 minutes.
Durable & Re-usable
- Can be used 100's of times with no degradation.
- It's flexible and will return to its original shape after being stretched under normal use.
- It's reversible, with smooth edges so food remnants can be easily washed off.
- Use a whiteboard marker to label and wipe the writing off with a moist cloth.
- Stack your perishables with the lid affixed. Not Suitable for 1/1 or Full size pan.
- Transport food without fear of spillage.
Easy to fit
- You can fit it in Seconds.
Time and Energy Efficient
- Reduces cooking time and thus save energy too